Thursday, October 9, 2014


Cubism is an early 20th century style and movement in art, especially painting, in which perspective with a single view point was abandoned. Cubism is made of simple geometric shape, interlocking planes, and collage. Cubism had highlighted from futurism into the next art movement by the depiction the movement.
 Georges Braque helped invent and develop Cubism with Pablo Picasso. Pablo Picasso is known greatest and most influential artist of the 20th century and the co-creator of Cubism. Pablo Picasso had produced a painting that was unlike anything he had ever painted before, it would profoundly influence the direction of art in the 20th century: "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon," a chilling depiction of five nude prostitutes, abstracted and distorted with sharp geometric features and stark blotches of blues, greens and grays. In today’s society, it is considered the precursor and inspiration of Cubism. 
Paul Cezanne he formed the bridge between late 19th century Impressionism and the early 20th century's new style, Cubism. The mastery of design, tone, composition and color, is what makes Paul Cezanne recognizable from around the world. Paul Cezanne had influenced both Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso.   Albert Gleizes was driven to produce art; he was influence by Pablo Picasso and other Cubist-inspired artists.

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